EFAC is a group of Anglican clergy and lay people who value the evangelical heritage of the Anglican Church, and who endeavour to make a positive, constructive contribution at local, diocesan and national levels. EFAC (Aust) is part of the world-wide Evangelical Fellowship in the Anglican Communion. This Blog is intended to allow our members to post comments and discussions on matters of relevance to Christians in the Anglican Church in Australia. Because EFAC is a diverse organisation the comments here will represent the thinking of the contributor but may not reflect that of every member. We welcome debate in the spirit of evangelical thinking through the centuries, remembering that the Bible, as God’s Word, is always our foundation and reference point.
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Elspeth | 06/02/2018 at 12:52
I was directed to this through reading Gavin Ashenden’s posts on twitter and have found the information stimulating, interesting and timely.